Lorberboim artwork is the only reason for The Lorberboim Museum. Nature and reality live on canvas masterly painted. See this exceptional wonderful amazing world through my eyes as an artist.

The struggle, the joy, and all the emotions behind the scene. This online museum shows my love and appreciation towards nature and uncovers how my perspective became my artwork. It is rarely you see something that inspires you, and your inner being tells you to preserve it forever.

The Lorberboim Museum tells my story, of me leaving my footprints in the past, for people to see in future and get inspiration. I don’t have words but my humble crayons to tell you how magnificent and beautiful nature is, so I display it through my artwork.

I am just an artist, looking at life in open-minded through the nature windows, from dawn to dawn, all the time. I feel proud to inform you that I have been painting all my after university life.

During all my painting life, I have got many approaches “I want to buy”. Heavenly music For me. Alas, any piece of my paintings is still very dear and wish it to have the proper life and home when I’m done with this world. But, for the time being, I want to show them to the world.

But I would love to see my paintings in other people’s eyes. When they make an offer, I feel joy and sorrow for having to decline them. There can nothing be more joyful than seeing my art liked by people, and they are willing to buy it.

My professional journey started as a simple printer. Then I got my MBA degree from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. I worked as an in-charge-Printing and Publishing industry, at the Ministry of Industry in Israel. Later on, I joined as an Economist Controller-controller on Banking, at the Bank of Israel. I had a good working experience but painting was my true deep desire.

I am an old fashioned artist, trying to preserve basic values that are long lost in modern times. My quest for life; the food, the people, and nature has brought me as an international skipper to many places on the globe. Thailand and Israel are my chosen lands.

                    Yours,     Lorberboim